ash wednesday, march 5, 7:00 pm can access the Worship Bulletin by clicking or tapping the picture to the left. 

The Live stream information is listed below.


Please join us as we begin this year's Lenten journey, "Drink From the Fountain of Grace." Pastor Tawny will bring our message. "The Cup of Fasting" based around Isaiah 58:1-12 this evening at 7pm.

Christ United Methodist Church holds the following print and streaming licenses:

CCLI License (includes streaming PLUS) # - 14446928

One License # - 738996-a

Christian Copyright Solutions PERFORMmusic & WORSHIPcast

holy thursday service, april 17, 7:00 PM

You will be able to access the Worship Bulletin by clicking the picture to the right. The livestream will be broadcast below.

good friday tenebrae service, April 18, 7:00 PM

You will be able to access the Worship Bulletin by clicking the picture to the left. The livestream will be broadcast below.

Easter sunday service, April 20, 11:00 am

You will be able to access the Worship Bulletin by clicking the picture to the right. The livestream will be broadcast below.